sous-vêtements et intérieur de Plines de conception
set to french pavu - | - iatsu | iard | iapu - | - iapri | iaaf
IACUSA is the unit of design interiors of Plines - PAVU arts informative
our Top model

our collections



Alu Glass Gloss

the letter of the ceo

our unit of design interior

[Informative Arts Creative Underwear S.a.] (office of style - interior design of all the Elliott range)
ceo: Laurence Bayrounat

We equip the Elliott models manufactured by the IAPU on behalf of company PAVU

[Informative Arts Production Links]
(production of Plines - distribution network)
ceo: Clement Thomas




message from the ceo

As the President and CEO, I have the opportunity to be a part of a remarkable and unique company.
Interactive Arts Creative Underwear S.A. (IACUSA) has been in business for over 50 years and continues to be the leader in Plines underwear and interior design

A recent survey of our users revealed that overall, IACUSA performs above and beyond our customers' expectations.
As we approach the Year 2000, IACUSA will continue to meet the changing needs of the Plines underwear and interior design industry.
We will streamline our services even further to provide the highest quality and best value to our customers. IACUSA will also furnish up-to-date information on the web to keep our customers advised of enhancements to our organization.


    Laurence Bayrounat
    person in charge of the collections and tendencies

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