technological survey - dated mining - extraction of Pines - OPS - reengineering
set to french iatsu - | - pavu - | - iard | iapu - | - iapri | iacusa | iaaf
IATSU is the technological unit of survey of PAVU arts informative

first Pines

(plug-in neo eschatological system)

When in 1993, us have extracted what us must more late to call our first Pines - name of Plug-In Neo Eschatological System which made it possible to decode it -, we could not suspect the importance of our discovery. It is only then, thanks to the patients analyses of Professor Perconte of our Informative Arts Pines Research Institute (IAPRI), which we took all the measurement of our extraordinary contribution to the common inheritance of Humanity. 

We could not only maintain for us this priceless secrecy, this is why, today, you can admire our Pines in the rooms of Informative Arts Art Foundation (IAAF).

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